Editing Procedures

To ensure consistency and accuracy and to promote and protect the image of Coastal Carolina University, any communication material that has high visibility and/or is distributed to external audiences on behalf of the University must be proofed through University Marketing and Communication. This includes, but is not limited to, news releases; posters; printed invitations and programs; electronic invitations; products that use University marks; and mailings that are published by or for the University. Personal correspondence, classroom materials, and research are exempt.

University Marketing and Communication adheres to Associated Press (AP) style guidelines as the basis for proofing materials. All materials should be thoroughly proofed by the client prior to being sent to the editor for proofing.

Due to the significant volume of materials being processed, University Marketing and Communication executes a first-in/first-out system.

  1. All editing requests must be submitted via the KACE ticketing system.

  2. To expedite the proofing process, please ensure that ALL edits are made as shown on the initial edited proof. All reprints must be approved.

  3. One- to three-page documents require a three-day minimum turnaround time for the first round of edits. Multi-page documents including detailed brochures, newsletters, calendars, programs, etc., require a one-week minimum for the first round of edits. Larger documents, including magazines and athletic programs, require a two-week minimum for the first round of edits. Please note: these are MINIMUM turnaround times. No rushes. 

  4. If you plan to send a large project to the University editor, please communicate this to editor@coastal.edu.

  5. Once all edits are made, the University editor will grant approval to print/post/distribute the submitted item.

  6. The CCU logo should be included in some format on all items submitted. Acceptable logos can be obtained from creative@coastal.edu. Please double-check your document for fuzzy or pixelated logos, graphics, images, etc.

  7. Proofing a document and printing a document are two separate processes and, therefore, require separate requests. All documents that are printed by Print Services are required to have University Marketing and Communication’s approval via editor. Once your proofed submission has been approved through the editor, submit the approved material and the approval email along with your Printing Services Requisition to Print Services as the job requires.