Photography Services



To request any service you must first fill out a Kace ticket.

KACE System for Photography Step-by-Step Guide




We are pleased to offer studio headshots to faculty and staff for use on the CCU website, LinkedIn, conferences, and other personal use. We do not have the resources to photograph the entire student body, please contact Career Services for dates of upcoming career fairs that offer a headshot service.

An appointment must be made through the Kace ticket system. Photographs are taken against a gray backdrop using professional studio lighting. We then drop the images onto a computer for you to select your favorite, after the selection we lightly retouch and email a high-resolution copy to you as well as including it in your department’s Photoshelter gallery.


Our team photographs over 60 home games each year of our 18 athletic programs along with headshots and studio action photos of all 534 athletes. We also assist with marketing materials for billboards, digital graphics, social media, posters, and much more.


Are you planning an award ceremony, reception, game night, or other fun event that showcases campus life? Events are a great place to capture images of your department outside of the workday and routine. Our team will work with the requestor to ensure we capture what you need, from handing out awards to individual students, faculty or staff, candids, and anything else that tells the story of your event. After the photos are taken, we sort through the images, select the best, lightly retouch, rename, keyword, add the images to a gallery on our photo share site Photoshelter, and share a link with the requestor. The Photoshelter galleries can also be made public or password protected to share with a large group of individuals with your permission.


Every department and area of campus is different and has a multitude of needs when it comes to imagery across print and digital platforms. Please fill out a KACE request ticket if you need anything new or exciting to showcase our campus that is always in motion. These range from student life, research expeditions, art or theatre classes, updated facilities imagery, and more. 


Coastal Carolina University works best as a team and what better way to show off yours than with a group photograph? These can be taken anywhere across campus that may showcase your department or the beauty of CCU. Please take into consideration the size of your group and the time of year as the weather can affect the location. These images can be taken indoors or outside and we are always happy to assist with planning and scouting the best place for your specific size group.



If you need to request access to Photoshelter, scanning of our archived images dating back to 1978, create a special gallery of stock imagery, cropping or resizing of images, copy work, or anything else, please don’t hesitate to submit a KACE ticket or contact us at