
Women Empowerment in STEM

Women Empowerment in STEM


Our Field Trip is On Tuesday, October 17, 2023.  Space is limited.  See the Field Trip Details and Interest Form for more information.

  • Wed., Oct. 4th
    4pm - 6pm
    Pizza & Movie
    Alford Ballroom (ATNM*105)
  • Tues., October 17
    Field Trip to North Inlet - Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
    Trip Details -->
  • Wed. Nov. 1st
    4pm - 6pm
    All About Internships
    Alford Ballroom (ATNM*105)
    Refreshments served
  • Wed., Dec. 6th
    Drop In 4pm - 6pm
    End of Semester Celebration & 
    Cookie Decorating Party
    Location TBA

Text the message @we-stem to the number 81010 for notifications on WE-STEM events via the Remind App.


“Women Empowerment in STEM” (WE-STEM) is an interdisciplinary, inter-collegiate initiative that aims to support female students in STEM by equipping them with the tools to deal successfully with challenges, intimidation, and stereotype threat, and to make them feel like they truly belong in their areas of interest, via professional, scholarly, and social engagement.  WE-STEM will:

  • Create a mentorship program in which female undergraduate and graduate students will offer advice and support to new female STEM majors.
  • Bring together female STEM students in monthly activities that can serve as consciousness-raising sessions and community-building programs
  • Support undergraduate research and conference registration.
  • Arrange for prominent local female speakers in STEM fields for presentations.
  • Conduct workshops on life-long learning skills to support success in students’ graduate and professional endeavors.
Our Faculty Team


  • Dr. Brianna Thomas, Department of Physics
  • Dr. Gabriela Perez-Alvarado, Department of Chemistry
  • Dr. Jean French, Department of Computing Sciences
  • Dr. Ina Seethaler, Women’s and Gender Studies Program
Just for Fun & Other Resources