WE-STEM Fellowship Forms

Women in STEM Fellowship Forms

Please view the forms below to apply:
  • Mentoring Assistantship Application
    WE-STEM provides mentor assistantships to support the efforts of a selected group of mentors every semester. The rate for the 2023-24 Academic year is $100 per semester for a total of $200.

  • Mentor Matching Form for Mentees
    One of the main goals of the Women Empowerment in STEM (WE-STEM) is to create a mentorship program in which undergraduate and graduate women can offer advice and support to women in STEM majors at the initial stages of their major.

  • Travel Funds Application 
    Travel awards are competitive and are available on a need-basis.  Travel awards examples include:  a conference or workshop sponsored by a professional society or organization, somewhere where you present your undergraduate research, a workshop where you will have an opportunity to network and participate in activities that will improve your prospects in a career in STEM.

  • Research Application 
    This is the site to submit an application for funds to support or to supplement research conducted throughout the academic year Fall 2023-Spring 2024.  Results from the research will be presented as part of a WE-STEM activity in a research symposium on the last week of April (end of spring 24 semester).