Women's and Gender Studies

                Women's and Gender Studies academic year 2022-2023 annual report

WGS AY 22-23 Annual Report

The Women's and Gender Studies (WGS) Program at Coastal Carolina University is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of gender and its intersections with other identity markers such as sexuality, race, class, nationality, and ability/ disability as economic, political, and cultural constructs. It celebrates diversity, acknowledges women’s accomplishments, conditions and contributions, and highlights the ideologies implicit in women’s places in societies both in the U.S. and internationally. The majors and minor in Women's and Gender Studies rigorously investigate the gendered nature of knowledge, institutions, and cultures to promote experiential learning, engaged citizenship, and social justice among all students—no matter their gender identity or other characteristics. Using gender as a critical lens across disciplines, WGS proposes innovative ways of understanding human experience and empowering CCU students to become productive, responsible, healthy citizens with a global perspective.

Women's and Gender Studies also organizes and sponsors visiting writers, lectures, symposia, films, cultural events and campus organizations that are devoted to the advancement of Women's and Gender Studies.



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The Women’s and Gender Studies (WGS) Advisory Board reserves the right to make decisions about the appropriateness of social media posts on all WGS accounts. In general, WGS will not share any content that promotes hatred against any community or that contains false or misleading information. News, information, and resources shared are intended to encourage the pursuit of knowledge and promote critical thinking skills.