Women's and Gender Studies Minor

Minor in Women's and Gender Studies

The Women's and Gender Studies minor requires 18 credit hours and is open to all undergraduate students.

Women's and Gender Studies class

Students pursuing a minor in Women's and Gender Studies (WGS) will work with their major adviser and the director to select courses that meet the program requirements. In addition to WGST 103 (Introduction to WGS) and WGST 498 (Capstone), which are required for all WGS minors, students will select four (4) additional courses from the electives list. Other appropriate courses may be added to the minor at the discretion of the WGS program director. A grade of C or better is required in each course to be applied toward the minor.

Click on our WGS minor brochure for more information.

For an updated list of all currently offered electives, please email Dr. Ina Seethaler at iseethale@coastal.edu.

My coach said I ran like a girl, and I said if he ran a little faster, he could, too.

-Mia Hamm