What to do with a WGS Degree

What to do with a WGS Degree

Spring 2017

Women's and Gender Studies (WGS) is one of the fastest growing fields in the U.S. Employers are looking for the skills you will develop. With a Women's and Gender Studies major or minor you will: 

  • Develop a multicultural lens that will help identify power, privilege and intersectionality.
  • Be well versed on contemporary social issues
  • Develop critical thinking and analytical skills
  • Fine tune your research and writing capabilities
  • Be prepared to work with diverse groups of people
  • Gain experience in civic engagement 

According to the Bentley Preparedness Study, 61% or corporate recruites report that soft skills (such as civic) and hard skills (technical) are equally important for success in the workforce. (2016)

WGS courses explore historical and contemporary connections between gender and society. You will analyze topics in communication, marriage, sexuality, pop culture, and others through the lens of gender to become a more effective agent for social change. 


WGS Internship Opportunities


What WGS graduates are doing now...

  • Youth outreach
  • University Administration
  • Student Affairs
  • Advertising/Marketing
  • Journalism
  • Teaching
  • Corporate Consulting
  • Graduate School
  • Public Relations
  • Women's health
  • Health networks
  • Hospitals, clinics, private/group practice
  • Wellness centers
  • Nursing homes
  • Mental health institutions
  • Counseling
  • Case management
  • Community Relations
  • Non-profits
  • Government programs
  • Media Writing (TV, movies, magazines, etc.)
  • Law School
  • Lobbying

Check out these 23 Awesome Jobs to Pursue With a Bachelor's Degree in WGS!



Anina Monteforte, works for SAP Next-Gen to Promote Global Gender Issues

My experience at Coastal Carolina was tremendous. I was a founding member of a sorority, actively engaged in the community, and a sports enthusiast. If you ask me what experiences had the most impact on my life? What led me on the path that I am on now? It would undeniably be my knowledge and coursework from the Women’s and Gender Studies Program. This minor was essential to my career development. I work for SAP Next-Gen, and I attend NYU, studying International Development with a focus on Global Gender. SAP, the world's largest software company, has aligned their core innovations with the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals. I work with digital marketing and Global Gender Partnerships and collaborate closely with the United Nations, UN Women, UNDP, and UN Global Compact to push forward the Global Gender Agenda for SAP. This work is necessary. At SAP we are committed to promote gender equality by maximizing the positive impact of entrepreneurship and innovation for women and girls. The Women’s and Gender Studies minor prepared me with the knowledge I needed to be successful at SAP. It gave me a competitive edge in the hiring process. Gender Equality is a topic that needs to be recognized to reach a world that is equitable and equal.

Katie Brooks, works for a District Attorney as a Victim Services Coordinator

I graduated Magna Cum Laude from Coastal Carolina in May 2018. I received a Bachelor of Arts in Intelligence and National Security with minors in both Women’s and Gender Studies and Criminology. While at CCU, I was a founding member of Women in Intelligence and National Security Club (WINS) and was inducted into the TRIOTA Women’s and Gender Studies Honor Society. Currently, I am finishing my first year in the Counterterrorism and Homeland Security Masters program at American University. In addition to being a full-time distance learning student, I work full-time at the Alamance County District Attorney’s office. My position at the ADA’s office is Victim Services Coordinator and I work directly with two ADAs, one of which prosecutes domestic violence crimes. In my position I speak with victims of domestic violence, a clear majority being women, and create a rapport that allows these victims to feel comfortable enough to tell their story and go through trials. I provide victims with resources and work directly with Advocates from Crossroads, a local child advocacy and family crisis center. I would like to think that I have always been a compassionate person, but I would have neither the skills required to speak to these victims nor the knowledge of the array of disadvantages battered women face were it not for the Women’s and Gender Studies Program. In addition to the mentioned specific skillsets, I also have knowledge of history and how to be an advocate for women and genders other than my own, which has become significant in the recent political climate. The Women’s and Gender Studies program at Coastal Carolina not only teaches students about adversity and history, but also how to be an advocate for change and make an impression on the world. I use what I learned from WGS every day.