Staff Performance Management

Staff Performance Management - EPMS

This webpage provides resources and information on the Employee Performance Management System (EPMS), Unclassified Staff/Administrator Performance Overviews, and Other Funded Position Performance Overviews.

Employee Performance Management System (EPMS)

Please find below resources and information to assist supervisors and employees throughout each step of the EPMS process.

EPMS plans and evaluations are completed through the PeopleAdmin system, which may be accessed at

Employee Performance Management System (EPMS) Process in Eight (8) Easy Steps!
 EPMS Webpage Document
  1. Supervisor Completes Plan: Supervisor electronically completes and reviews the plan with the employee. This should be completed within the first 30 days of the performance period.
  2. Employee Acknowledges Plan: Employee reviews and electronically acknowledges their plan.
  3. Mid-Year Check-In: An informal meeting between the supervisor and employee to discuss the employee’s performance.
  4. Supervisor Completes Evaluation: Supervisor electronically completes the evaluation. Please note that evaluations may not be completed more than 90 days in advance of the due date.
  5. Reviewer Approval: Reviewer reviews and approves the evaluation.
  6. Review Meeting: Supervisor and employee meet to discuss the evaluation.
  7. Employee Acknowledges Evaluation: Employee electronically acknowledges their evaluation.
  8. HR Closes: HR electronically receives and marks the evaluation complete.

Communication and feedback are encouraged throughout the process to ensure alignment with expectations, address any concerns early and often, and promote growth and professional development.

Four Types of EPMS Evaluation Periods

Annual (Universal): Nov. 1 marks the beginning of a new review period for all covered employees.  (Exceptions:  “Probationary” and “Trial” periods.) The annual evaluation period is from Nov. 1st to Oct. 31st. 

Short Term: Any performance appraisal that evaluates an employee’s performance for a period of time less than twelve (12) months.  Exceptions:  “trial” period reviews and “warning notice” reviews. Example: Probationary evaluation from 09/01/2021 – 08/31/2022 – Short Term from 09/01/2022 – 10/31/2022.  

Trial: The performance of each covered employee who has been demoted, promoted, or reclassified to a position in a different class will be appraised prior to the completion of a six-month trial period in the position. Example: Employee is reclassified to a new state classification on 03/16/2022 – Trial is from 03/16/2022 – 09/15/2022.  

Probationary: The performance of each new employee will be appraised prior to the completion of the initial twelve (12) months of service in the position. Example: Employee is hired on 03/16/2022 – Probationary is from 03/16/2022 – 03/15/2023.  


Additional EPMS Resources 

Other Performance Evaluation Documents

Unclassified Staff/Administrator Performance Overviews are utilized to provide feedback to unclassified staff/administrators who are not covered under existing evaluation systems at Coastal Carolina University, including Faculty Evaluations, the Employee Performance Management System (EPMS), Agency Head Evaluation, or Other Funded Position Performance Overviews. This excludes unclassified personnel assigned to the Athletics Department, with the exception of positions reporting directly to the President.

Policy link: FAST-210 Unclassified Staff/Administrator Performance Overview

Other Funded Position Performance Overviews are utilized to provide feedback to research grant, temporary grant, and time-limited employees.

Policy link: FAST-211 Other Funded Position Performance Overviews

Contact Information

For assistance with any of the above-mentioned performance processes, please contact:

J.J. Rega – 843-349-2658 or 

Jaleesa Gordon - 843-349-4086 or 

Lori Cox – 843-349-6357 or