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July 3, 2024   
May 26, 2021
CCU team chosen to participate in diversity, equity, and inclusion science program
May 24, 2021
Tankersley named dean of the newly formed Spadoni College of Education and Social Sciences at CCU
May 18, 2021
WATCH: Waccamaw Indian People exhibit opens in Conway
May 14, 2021
CCU to announce Smart River Research program on May 17
May 13, 2021
Sustain Coastal to host annual Campus Salvage yard sale on May 22 at CCU
May 11, 2021
WATCH: Teal Alley dedication
May 10, 2021
WATCH: 2021 Honors Convocation highlights
May 7, 2021
CCU holds first of two in-person spring commencement ceremonies
May 6, 2021
CCU board of trustees holds tuition, and room and board fees
May 4, 2021
CCU graduate student receives prestigious national award
May 3, 2021
CCU to hold commencement exercises in a new format May 7-8

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