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July 3, 2024   
June 28, 2010
Leadership program offered to CCU freshmen
June 23, 2010
CCU professor awarded two NHC grants
June 23, 2010
Rent-A-Text offered at CCU
June 21, 2010
Mini Summer Youth camps offered to area children
June 21, 2010
CCU offers prep for SAT
June 18, 2010
Duct tape fashion show to be held at CCU
June 16, 2010
Coastal Carolina University offers 10 new programs
June 16, 2010
Economist Schunk to leave CCU for banking position in Minnesota
June 15, 2010
CCU field school to present archaeological findings
June 15, 2010
Oil spill discussion set for June 24 at HGTC
June 14, 2010
Invasive water hyacinth focus of grad student grants
June 9, 2010
Summer swimming lessons offered at CCU
June 8, 2010
CCU archaeological field team digs in Conway
June 7, 2010
CCU discusses international collaboration

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