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July 3, 2024   
June 29, 2020
Watch: Hobcaw Barony a perfect place for student and faculty research
June 25, 2020
Chanticleer Athletic Foundation launches virtual silent auction
June 24, 2020
CCU professor to cross S.C. in 30 days to shine light on state's wonders and conduct climate change survey
June 18, 2020
Online art exhibit 'Quarantine Creatives' displays alumni work
June 17, 2020
Watch: LIFE program students complete internships at Conway Medical Center
June 15, 2020
CCU launches preliminary plan for the fall reopening of campus
June 12, 2020
CCU Orientation gets a fresh look for incoming students
June 10, 2020
United Nations Youth Corps at CCU still focused on "making the world a better place"
June 2, 2020
CCU Career Services partners with CareerEco for Southern Alliance Virtual Career Fair
June 1, 2020
Watch: CCU student-run radio station still operating

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