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July 3, 2024   
July 27, 2023
CCU student and recent graduate to serve as teaching assistants in Spain via international cultural ambassador program
July 26, 2023
Claudia Bornholdt, dean of the Edwards College of Humanities and Fine Arts, honored with lifetime achievement award for support of music and the arts
July 25, 2023
CCU biology professor Chiara Gamberi receives grant from TANGO2 Research Foundation
July 21, 2023
Six CCU students receive summer research internships
July 19, 2023
Alan West named vice president for finance and administration/chief financial officer at CCU
July 17, 2023
CCU ceramics professor Jeremy Brooks awarded South Carolina Arts Commission Fellowship
July 10, 2023
CCU graduate Sydney Madden earns Fulbright program award
July 6, 2023
Two CCU students awarded the U.S. Department of State’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship
July 5, 2023
CCU faculty member Amira Hanafi wins ArtFields grand prize with digital artwork
July 3, 2023
CCU’s board of trustees approves lease for second Teal Nation retail store, this one in downtown Conway

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