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July 3, 2024   
August 26, 2021
CCU presents Music on the Lawn series
August 25, 2021
CCU president to participate in pandemic ethics panel discussion
August 19, 2021
Leonard establishes scholarship program at CCU to recognize students for exemplary community service
August 11, 2021
CCU adds 24/7 telehealth access from TimelyMD to support students’ medical and mental health needs
August 6, 2021
CCU board of trustees approves facility upgrades
August 6, 2021
Fitsanakis encourages CCU graduates to push for a brighter future
August 5, 2021
Information security, intelligence collection expert is CCU’s summer commencement speaker
August 4, 2021
CCU launching COVID-19 vaccination incentives program
August 2, 2021
Brown named dean of the College of Graduate and Continuing Studies at CCU

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