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July 3, 2024   
October 29, 2020
CCU faculty and staff honored for contributions to academic exchanges with China
October 26, 2020
CCU student conducting virtual international internship with epidemiologist in South Africa
October 23, 2020
CCU board formally introduces Benson as the University's new president
October 14, 2020
CCU to host a virtual panel discussion to celebrate the legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
October 8, 2020
CCU Kenneth E. Swain Scholars named for 2020-2021
October 6, 2020
CCU and S.C. Floodwater Commission partnership to generate offshore and marine information in real-time
October 5, 2020
CCU to host annual Sexual and Dating/Domestic Violence Awareness Week Oct. 6-9
October 2, 2020
CCU board names Michael T. Benson as the University's third president
October 2, 2020
ChantsVote campaign encourages CCU students to vote in the 2020 presidential election
October 1, 2020
CCU restructuring the Spadoni College of Education

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